Sunday, April 11, 2010


Time is something I took for granted and now I realize there is never enough time. As a child a person always looks forward to that next birthday and especially the ones that give more freedom-such as a drivers license. Then, there is the magical 21st birthday and after that time just seems to pass by. Then, one day you wake up and you are 50. Then, you realize if I am really blessed-I may have another 50 years to live and make a difference in this world.
No one knows when the Lord will call them home-my grandfather died when he was in his late 50's, my grandmother died when she was 95 and my mother died when she was 73. So, death can come at any moment and without warning. I do not fear death because I know the Lord has a place prepared for me and when he calls me home-then my work will be done here.
But, the thing about time is it changes everything-for example churches are struggling financially especially the ones who preached prosperity and you will recieve something in return for giving. I don't usually watch TV preachers-but this one caught my attention-because a once beautiful prosperous church was basically begging for donations to keep the church doors open. They were asking every person to give $10.00. My question has always been why is there a need for such fancy buildings and high salaries for the preacher, the choir, orchestra and probably even the janitor. Would not this money have been better spent by helping those who are in need and sharing Jesus with them? When, I grew up in the 60's people served the Lord without recieving a paycheck and everyone helped each other. Most preachers had full time or part time jobs in addition to their ministry. I believe Jesus is weeping because of this false teaching and money that has been spent on beautiful buildings and paying salaries. I also believe the Lord is sad because people are so afraid church doors are locked when it is time for services to start and so if you are a stranger and are late-you probably won't get in or you will be met with suspicion because no one knows who you are. So, I think the answer is ministry websites if people want to find out more about the Lord or how about just reading the Bible?

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